

Learn the Art of Farming in High Altitude Communities

Develop, manage, 和 implement sustainable farming practices for your local economy


Whether it's exp和ing your home garden or becoming an entrepreneur, the CWC 农场孵化器 has multiple ways for you to learn, 成长, 并蓬勃发展.


Growing produce locally means offering the best nutrition for the communities we love.




作为一所社区大学,我们了解当地情况. And we want to help aspiring 和 beginning farmers 成长 nutritious foods by developing financially 和 environmentally sustainable farm businesses in central Wyoming. Our goal is to exp和 employment 和 business opportunities in agriculture while also providing our communities with affordable, 可持续的水果, 蔬菜, 和肉.

Wyoming folks want to produce food for their local markets, but there are some challenges they face; high altitude climate, 获得耕地的机会有限, 以及缺乏商业技能.

CWC recognizes our partners who have contributed significant financial support for this project.


Located in the foothills of the Wind River mountains at the 高山科学研究所, the farm incubator trains aspiring 和 beginning agropreneurs in high-altitude, 半干旱的水果, 和 vegetable crop production 和 业务规划.

Beginning farmers may enter the program at multiple points according to their educational 和 business needs. A person interested in home gardening 成长ing food for their family may want to only participate in the 作物生产实习. A beginning farmer who needs more accounting 和 业务规划 skills to exp和 their existing farm business may just enroll in the 小型农场规划 & 管理课程. A person desiring to exp和 their home garden into a farm business may apply to enter the 农场孵化器, 和, after demonstrating crop production skills 和 presenting their business plan, 租一块农田以获得灌溉用水, 可耕种土地.

An aspiring farmer may also choose the more comprehensive education pathway by completing an AAS is Regenerative Small Scale Farming or a certificate in Farm & Ranch management emphasizing regenerative agriculture 和 small scale farming.

As an farmer-in-training participant, you will acquire the skills to:

2023年,乐天堂app举办了一场活动, “Harvest Wyoming: Small Farm Symposium”- multiple great seminars were presented across a variety of subjects related to Small Farming.



Regenerative Small Scale Farming Associate of Applied Science Degree

People want to know where their food comes from 和 how it is 成长n. 在小规模再生农业项目中, the student will develop the skills necessary to operate a small, 多元化的果蔬农场. Focusing on environmentally sound crop production practices, 商业技能, 经济可行性, 以及社会责任, this program prepares the student to run their own farm business or be employed in a variety of positions focusing on soil health, 园艺, 食品安全.



A 5-month comprehensive course focusing on high elevation, 半干旱果蔬生产, 再生农业实践.

The format consists of topic-specific online learning modules 和 in-person field-based classes 3 days each week. Field days include off-site farm tours 和 guest specialists. 学生可注册以下课程:

作物生产实习一 – Early season farming practices. A 6-week h和s-on course designed to teach early-season 成长ing methods 和 techniques suitable for both field 和 garden scale production. 主题包括可持续发展, 有机, 以及可再生农业实践, 管理土壤健康, 繁殖及温室管理, 还有作物规划.

作物生产实习II – Midseason farming practices. A 6-week h和s-on course designed to teach mid-season 成长ing methods 和 techniques suitable for both field 和 garden scale production. Topics include farm equipment inventory 和 maintenance, 移栽和直播, 杂草管理, 害虫, 植物病害, 堆肥, 生物动力制剂.

作物生产实习三- Late season farming practices. A 6-week h和s-on course designed to teach late-season farming methods 和 techniques suitable for both field 和 garden scale production. 主题包括覆盖种植, 生产销售, 收获技术, 食品安全, 收获后的处理.

课程数量 科目名称学分
1972年加拿大核能公司 作物生产实习三3

小型农场规划 & 管理课程

一个学期的课程,涵盖当地, 状态, 国家农业资源, 企业会计, 记账, 业务规划, 企业风险管理, 营销策略, 和更多的. Students register for 2100年加拿大核能公司 综合资源管理. 3学分.

课程数量 科目名称学分
2100年加拿大核能公司综合资源管理 3


初出茅庐的农民可以获得土地, 业务支持, 和 mentorship after demonstrating crop production skills 和 presenting their business plans. The incubator leases farm plots ranging in size from one-eighth to one-quarter acre for those students completing a business plan 和 don’t have access to their own farml和 to start their business.


The 社区食品系统证书II is designed to provide the student with small-scale, 丰富的果蔬生产技能, as well as the ability to explain how small farms are integrated into the broader local food 和 agriculture system.



The Small-Scale Farm Management Certificate II is designed to provide the student with small-scale, 丰富的果蔬生产技能, as well as skills in business management to prepare the student to launch their own small-scale farm business.



Authorized permit holder of the US Forest Service 和 an equal opportunity service provider.